Shipping & returns
We have a 30 days return policy. You are allowed to return new unused merchandise in original condition within 30 days of delivery. Depending on the product, we reserve the right to make exceptions and limitations.
Depending on the state or merchandise destination, merchandise purchased from YEMACALIF.COM may be subject to local sales tax. Note that merchandise sold by YEMA, LLC are subject to sales tax in select states in adherence to applicable laws of that state except when we state otherwise. Please contact your taxing authority to establish what taxes you are subject to in your state.
Tax policy
Depending on the state or merchandise destination, merchandise purchased from YEMACALIF.COM may be subject to local sales tax. Note that merchandise sold by YEMA, LLC are subject to sales tax in select states in adherence to applicable laws of that state except when we state otherwise. Please contact your taxing authority to establish what taxes you are subject to in your state.