The hawi & YEMA Foundation

THE HAWI & YEMA FOUNDATION is a dynamic non-governmental organization (NGO) that combines the power of fashion, education, and social impact to empower individuals and transform communities. Founded by Yema Khalif, a visionary from the Kibera slums in Africa, and his co-founder, Hawi Awash, a refugee from Ethiopia, our NGO embodies the spirit of resilience, determination, and compassion.

At THE HAWI & YEMA FOUNDATION, we believe that fashion is not just about clothing but also a powerful means of self-expression and empowerment. Drawing inspiration from Yema's personal journey, our fashion brand, YEMA, offers captivating designs that capture emotions, allowing individuals to embrace their true selves. Just as colors and styles symbolize different moods, YEMA encourages individuals to express their feelings and be themselves at all times.

Education lies at the heart of our mission. YEMA recognizes the transformative power of education and is committed to providing opportunities for those who may face barriers to access. Through scholarships and collaborations with local schools and communities, we create pathways to education for underprivileged students. We believe that education not only equips individuals with knowledge and skills but also instills hope, confidence, and a sense of possibility.

In addition to our dedication to education, we are deeply committed to social impact. YEMA collaborates with non-profit organizations, orphanages, and community initiatives to uplift marginalized communities in Ethiopia and Kenya. Through our initiatives, we channel 20% of every purchase made on our website directly towards supporting orphaned children in Ethiopia and the Kibera slums in Kenya, enabling them to receive the care, education, and support they deserve.

With stores in California and New York, THE HAWI & YEMA FOUNDATION aims to spread its mission from coast to coast. By offering high-quality and captivating designs, we strive to create a brand that competes with the top-notch fashion labels while making a difference in the world.

Join us in our journey of empowerment and transformation. Visit our website at to explore our collections, learn more about our initiatives, and support our cause. Together, let's redefine fashion, ignite change, and empower individuals and communities for a brighter future.


we are Empowering Communities through Fashion and Education